
Whether you're an emerging talent or an established organization, seize the chance to showcase your vision, collaborate on exciting projects, and grow your network within the thriving creative arts and culture communities. Dive in today and let your creativity take center stage!

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Initiatives & Events

Création Africa Forum in Paris and Biennale Euro-Africa in Montpellier
Africa International Film Festival in Lagos, Nigeria
Launch Of Création Africa Ghana in Accra
Incubation Program
Africa Games Week 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa
Ghana Creative Mixer in Cape Coast, Tamale And Kumasi
Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival in France
Mémoires et Permanences
Launch Of € 90,000 Film Grant

Creation Africa Ghana (CAG), in collaboration with the International Organisation of Francophonie (OIF) and the National Film Authority (NFA) proudly announces the launch of a significant grant aimed at catalysing innovation and collaboration within the film industry.

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Notre Futur Forum in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
Koliko Training with AnimaxFYB Studios and Gobelins Paris


If my business is still in the ideation stage, can I apply?


The Creation Africa Ghana program is for entrepreneurs with existing activities in Ghana.

Will there be an information session before the application deadline?


All information can be found in this website.  

Can I contact the team?


You can contact the team via email at cag.gh@impacthub.net

Can I drop out of the program if I get in?


Participants of the program are mandated and required to stay and participate through the entire period of the program.

If a business has more than one founder, can they all apply for the program?


Two founders from the same business cannot apply for the program unless under a common project.

Can I partake in only one aspect of the program?


Applying for this program requires you to participate in all aspects of the program.