The 2nd edition of Koliko Training, AnimaxFYB studios’ flagship animation program hosted in partnership with world-renowned animation school, Gobelins Paris, took place in Accra from April 29 to May 24. With the support of Creation Africa Ghana, 16 participants completed the month-long program, designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of 3D animation using the industry-standard software, Autodesk Maya.
The sessions, led by Francis Brown of AnimaxFYB studios and Razahk Issaka, a 3D animation instructor from Gobelins Paris, covered the basics of Maya, explored fundamental principles of 3D animation, and delved into the intricacies of humanoid movement. The program culminated with a graduation ceremony where participants were awarded certificates for their exemplary work and performance throughout the course.
Koliko training aims at honing the skills of talented Ghanaian creatives to better position them for the local and global animation market.